Smile Boldly With a New Set of Dentures

Custom dentures are a fantastic way to replace missing teeth and get your smile back. We offer different types of dentures to fit your needs:

  • Conventional Full Dentures – This style of denture replaces a complete set of teeth on either your upper or lower jaw. We have them made after your gums have healed from tooth removal, so they fit perfectly.
  • Conventional Partial Dentures – These restorations fill in gaps where you’re missing some teeth and still have some healthy teeth left. They clip onto the remaining natural teeth to stay in place.
  • Implant-Retained Dentures – These dentures attach to dental implants in your jaw. They’re more stable than regular dentures and help keep your jawbone healthy by preventing bone loss. You can remove them for cleaning.
  • Implant-Supported Dentures – These teeth are like implant-retained dentures, but they transfer more chewing force to your implants. This makes them feel more like natural teeth when you eat. Since they are designed to stay fixed in place, you just brush and floss to clean them.
  • Immediate Dentures – We make these before removing your teeth, so you can wear them right after tooth removal. They help you avoid being without teeth while your gums heal.

Our team will work closely with you to create the perfect set of teeth for you. We’ll guide you through the whole process, from fitting to adjusting to caring for your new teeth.

Call Reston Heights Dental today at 571-609-6518 to get your smile and bite back using Reston dentures. You can also make an appointment online.