View Some Stunning Transformations in Our Reston Smile Gallery

When you visit Reston Heights Dental, we’ll not only enhance your smile, we’ll help you gain a brand-new sense of self. When you feel confident about your appearance, it seems like anything is possible. We take a minimally invasive approach to dentistry.

We preserve as much of the original tooth structure as possible in order to decrease our patient’s discomfort or anxiety, which will also improve recovery time.
Our advanced techniques and cutting edge technologies provide impressive aesthetic results while keeping the health and integrity of your natural teeth.

We invite you to view our Reston smile gallery and see the transformations we’ve performed over the years. Dr. Karbasi and our team are dedicated to giving you the same excellent dentistry we’ve given every one of our patients.

Call us at 571-609-6518 today to schedule your appointment. You can also make an appointment online. It’s time to feel happy about smiling again!